Wednesday, November 30, 2011

My Sleep Paralysis Experiences

People might not know what sleep paralysis is either because they havnt experienced it or don't know the exact term. Sleep paralysis can be very terrifying like the picture above. Just imagin being asleep and awake at the same time. You are completely aware of everything around you, but you can't move.

The first time I experienced sleep paralysis, I might of been 14. I woke up, but couldn't move or open my eyes. I yelled for help, but no one around me was able to hear me. It's crazy because I was able to hear myself scream in my head. Once I finally woke up, I just thought it was a nightmare or maybe Freddy Krueger or something. A few years later I experienced it again, but this time it was different. Once again I wasn't able to move or open my eyes, but this time I was hearing voices. I couldn't make out exactly what the voices was saying, but it sounded pretty creepy. It felt like the force of an evil spirit was holding me down. The muffled voices begin to get louder and louder as I struggled to wake myself up. After a few minutes of struggling, I was finally able to wake up and you could bet that I didn't go back to sleep. The third time I experienced sleep paralysis, I was about 21-years old. Everything was just like the last two times, but it gotten worse. I was hearing footsteps getting closer and closer to my bedroom door. Once the evil presence reach my door, I was able to clearly hear my door being opened slowly. It sounded way to real, I was real freaked out!!!

Once I woke up, I decided to Google my experiences and found out it was called "sleep paralysis." I was a bit of relief to find out that I wasn't the only one experiencing this. As I read other peoples stories, I realized there experiences was way more intense than mine. I even watched a few videos on YouTube and was able to get a better idea of what I was dealing with.

                        Sleep Paralysis Possible Causes

  • Sleeping in a face upward or supine position.
  • Increased Stress.
  • Sudden environmental or Lifestyle changes.
  • A lucid dream that immediately precedes the episode.
  • Excessive consumption of alcohol coupled with lack of  adequate sleep.


  1. You may have found out that you was not alone, and may other people have also experienced this. But since knowing I'm sure it hasn't given you much peace of mind. To me it would only mean that the evil presence that comes to our world is always trying to concur Gods children. I have experienced this as well. During my experience I prayed and asked God to protect me and make the presence disappear. Shortly after and because of my faith, whatever it was that paralyzed me had no choice but to go back to where it came from.

    1. I was very surprised to find out that I wasn't alone. I prayed also for the evil presence to go away and it worked. Thanks for the comment
