Tuesday, February 4, 2014

7 Reasons why Twitter is better than Facebook

Privacy - one of the main reasons why I don't have Facebook today is because of the privacy settings. If you have a facebook account than you know exactly what I'm talking about.

Celebrities - I'm not sure how things are on Facebook, but I know on Twitter celebrity interaction is priceless. It's nothing like being acknowledged by someone you always looked up to.

Characters - Even though Twitter only have 140 characters I think it's pure genius. I don't think I will read anyone status or tweet beyond 250 characters. It works well for everyone, less spam and straight to the point.

News Feed - Most of the time you don't have to watch the news to find out what's going on or who passed away, just check out the trending topics.

Unique - In my opinion Twitter is the most unique social media website in the past 10 years. Facebook reminds me of just another website that will eventually die down.

Interaction - Twitter is fast pace, almost quicker than a New York minute. If you are watching your favorite TV show, you can interact with others that are watching that same exact show by using the hashtag.

Less hassle -  On Facebook you have to accept friend request, choose who could and who can view your photos, deal with fan pages and other crap.

Those are the 7 reasons why I think Twitter is better than Facebook. Which social media do you prefer?

Follow me on Twitter @rocks176

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